East Bay Montessori

Montessori Middle School

Journey to Adulthood
Grades 7 - 8
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We keep our Montessori Middle School program small to deliver the learning framework that research has shown has the richest benefits for the early adolescent. For this age, Montessori teachers are trained to understand the brain development that is happening at this critical juncture.

These students are challenged to think critically, present articulately, and adapt responsively as needed. Students engage with one another in a joint enterprise of learning. They experience a balance of intellectual freedom, personal responsibility, elevated expectations, and a high degree of accountability. High schools love to receive our graduates!

A Window into the Classroom

In an academic year, there are five cycles of work followed by immersion weeks whether for retreat, internships, or travel. Each work cycle is five weeks in length and the topics and concepts covered in each cycle are grouped under cycle themes. In the fifth week, there is an assessment of the thematic project work. Students also take the time to write an extensive self-assessment. The cycle format is designed to help students learn organizational, decision-making, and time-management skills. In addition to the work cycles, each school year begins with a Prologue and ends with an Epilogue. In addition, we offer ongoing leadership development and service learning opportunities.

Our Middle School students run businesses that benefit the East Bay Montessori school community. We have student CEOs responsible for leading and budgeting for Pizza Days, Tamale Days, the school Yearbook, and the school Newspaper. As part of the curriculum, students also have an internship or externship week to learn real-world skills. We also have our students involved in Montessori Model United Nations, which is completed by a presentation at the UN in New York City.

There is so much more to share about everything our Middle School students accomplish. We encourage you to stop in for a tour!

Three Middle School students smiling while working in their journals.
Thee Middle School students smiling while working on individual workplans.
A group of Middle School students in the EBM courtyard selling their school newspaper.

“The world is finally catching up with Maria Montessori's insights.”

- Steve Denning, Forbes

Summary of the Middle School Classroom

The Adolescent Is:

  • An active, self-directed learner. 
  • A vital member of the classroom, school-wide, city, and global community. 
  • A vital member of the teacher-student-parent team. 
  • Responsible for keeping commitments and being honest and respectful.

The Teachers Are:

  • Facilitators of learning. 
  • Consultants for the students.
  • Creators of a positive climate for learning.
  • Communicators with parents and community.

The Curriculum and Instruction Includes:

  • Individualized goal-setting. 
  • Meta-cognition and ‘learning-how-to-learn’ strategies as re-occurring elements of the classroom experience. 
  • A strong sense of community and social interaction with peers. 
  • Meaningful and challenging work. 
  • Activities for self-expression, self-knowledge, and self-assessment. 
  • Activities that value all nine intelligences (Gardner) and a variety of learning styles.
  • Activities to foster interdependence. 
  • Activities for learning economic independence. 
  • Activities for self-reflection. 
  • School and community service projects. 
  • Opportunities for travel.
The Middle School students gather at their meeting area for the morning announcements.

A group of Middle Schoolers standing in front of bronze statue in New York City. The students visited for Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN).

The Middle School class sitting in front of a museum mural that reads

If you think your child would thrive in a Montessori environment, give us a call or schedule a tour online. We would love for you to visit our school and learn more.

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