On our final school day before the Thanksgiving holiday break, we shared our first Stone Soup meal together as a campus community since the pandemic started. We love this tradition because it gives every student the chance to play a vital role in the meal and festivities. Middle School students run the show for the day - they set up the room, prep the appetizers, do the physical cooking, serve the tables, and clean up. Kindergarten Bridge and Lower Elementary students brought their ingredients, whether a bag of chopped celery or a can of beans or a washed and scrubbed stone, and were helped to add their contribution to the soup by the Middle School elders. Upper Elementary students created name tags for all attendees, plus table decorations, and had the option to bring pies for everyone to share for dessert. A festive time was had by all and one student even lost a tooth!! Thank you to our families, whose support was also essential in bringing this event to fruition. Our school community had a lovely meal together and we look forward to the event again next year!